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Thursday 7 June 2007

Me and Wendy in Paris at Eiffel Tower

A view of Paris from the Eiffel tower, an American guy offered to take our photo so we could take one of him using his camera - cool. The line up to the tower was not long - only 10 mins.

Paris is awesome, last night we had a night tour and Paris at night is amazing. Especially the Eiffel Tower at 10pm you need to see it then when the whole thing is covered with thousands of strobe lights that run for 10 minutes - this is something they added for the Millenium celebrations but never removed as the public and visitors loved it so much.

This is now my number one city, the architecture and sheer beauty of the place is breathtaking. The history too is just as old as England. And the way that the French have banned skyscrapers from the city centre has made the city feel alot more open - especially at night time where it comes alive. Every road here is cobblestoned - no ugly bitume here - amazing - I love it how they do that.

We ate at a French restaurant last night, but I did not have Frogs legs or snails as I had them in Adelaide and was not too happy. But the food and wine served was still excellent here.

We are off to a Caberet show tonight but this one is much more Parisian than the Moulin Rouge that has been Americanized and lost the Parisian character of old.

Our visit to the Louvre was breif as I expected but we saw the Mona Lisa - boy are they hard on people taking photos which is banned in some areas. The photo flashes ruin the varnish on the paintings making them crack. I saw a woman who got caught taking photos and she was asked to delete them all off the camera - they watch you as you delete them - man they are strict - but good on them I say, as the art work needs to be protected!

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